[Hormonal Fingerprint] Research shows that women and men react differently to colour and light

A recent research conducted in collaboration with NS, the Dutch Railways, showed that waiting time goes faster in a context with a dim light rather than a bright light. Interestingly, busy passengers also showed a preference for a blue light whereas roaming passengers praised warmer colors.

[Hormonal Fingerprint] Color Perception by DervalResearch

Last but not least, women and men reacted differently to color and light. We will definitively investigate further the influence of our hormonal fingerprint on our perception of time and color!

Source: “ The influence of colour and light on the experience and satisfaction with a Dutch railway station,” M van Hagen, M Galetzka, A Pruyn, European Transport Conference, October 2008.

2 responses to “[Hormonal Fingerprint] Research shows that women and men react differently to colour and light

  1. hi diana,
    this is another piece of interesting research result, as well as your hormonal fingerprint 🙂

  2. profdianaderval

    Hi Manuela,
    Yes this excellent research confirms that our Hormonal Fingerprint also has an impact on color perception 😛

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