Hormonal Fingerprint and Sound Perception

We presented part of our findings about the impact of prenatal hormones on sound perception at the 30th International Congress of Audiology.

Did you know?

– Our inner-ear works like an amplifier. Depending on our gender, ethnicity, and age, we have a different perception of sound.
– Even people of the same age and with no particular hearing issue hear bass, speech, and high-pitch sounds differently.
– Some people hear a baby crying 4 times louder! They are super-amplifiers, and are sensitive to high-pitched sounds.
– Medium-amplifiers find it difficult to follow a conversation if there is background noise.
– Non-amplifiers are resistant to loudness and enjoy music with extra bass!

You can read more here: http://derval.blogspirit.com/archive/2010/03/24/hormonal-fingerprint-and-sound-perception.html

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