Tag Archives: Biopsychology

[Hormonal Fingerprint] Your Favorite Music Comes From Your Heart!

We are studying further the impact of hormones on our music preferences. It seems that, the more you are testosteron-driven, the more you embrace a variety of musics.

One point is sure from previous studies: our favorite rhythm in terms of music is the one that corresponds to our heartbeat.

I measured for me with a metronome and the result was definitively folk metal. You can try at home too.

Source: Iwanaga M, “Relationship between Heart Rate and Preference for Tempo of Music”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1995.

[Hormonal Fingerprint] Research shows that women and men react differently to colour and light

A recent research conducted in collaboration with NS, the Dutch Railways, showed that waiting time goes faster in a context with a dim light rather than a bright light. Interestingly, busy passengers also showed a preference for a blue light whereas roaming passengers praised warmer colors.

[Hormonal Fingerprint] Color Perception by DervalResearch

Last but not least, women and men reacted differently to color and light. We will definitively investigate further the influence of our hormonal fingerprint on our perception of time and color!

Source: “ The influence of colour and light on the experience and satisfaction with a Dutch railway station,” M van Hagen, M Galetzka, A Pruyn, European Transport Conference, October 2008.

[Hormonal Fingerprint] Why should a nurse have dinner with a rugbyman?

DervalResearch established a link between our perception of taste and our job and hobbies. Prof. Diana Derval, President and Research Director, reveals: “We know that nurses and rugbymen are more likely to be non-tasters – that means they host fewer taste buds on their tongue and can therefore eat or drink almost anything: bitter,spicy, very sweet food – whereas Entrepeneurs and ballerinas will be super-taster and therefore more picky with food”. 

Prof. Diana Derval, expert in cognitive marketing, adds “Our perception, skills and physical traits are greatly determined by our hormones while we are still a fetus. Based on this Hormonal Fingerprint, we can predict for instance the preferred food/beverages, colors and shapes of an individual, as well as his perfect matching job, hobby or even partner.”

This scientific research conducted between november 2008 and january 2009 on 500 people from over 25 countries offers endless opportunities in the field of new product development and commercialization. Vidya Sagar Gannamani, Category Leader, Beverage Appliances at Philips, shares: “We discovered and experienced with Prof. Diana Derval the Hormonal Fingerprint. This remarkable biological fact explains why our perception of taste is at the same time unique and predictable”

Learn more about the Hormonal Fingerprint in this 6mn video clip, produced in partnership with COPUS 2009 Year of Science (Coalition for the Public Understanding of Science) and NEMO Science Center.

[Hormonal Fingerprint] What kind of Taster are you?


Taste Bud

Depending on our gender, ethnicity and age, the number of taste buds we will host on our tongue might vary between 11 to 1.100 per cm2!

Each bud helps perceive bitter, sweet, salt, sour and umami (corresponds to the glutamate taste present in meat, cheese and mushrooms).



Source: PTC/PROP Tasting: Anatomy, Psychophysics, and Sex Effects. Bartoshuk, L. M., Duffy, V. B., Miller, I. J., 1994, Physiology and Behavior, Vol. 56, pp. pp. 1165-1171.