Tag Archives: vocation

[Hormonal Fingerprint] The link between Hormones and Vocation revealed

DervalResearch will reveal the link between Hormones and Vocation as well as Vocation and Taste perception at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology on June 26, 2009 at the Michigan State University.

This breakthrough has several applications in the business and medical field:
– Segmenting individuals into groups based on their perception,
– Designing the right sensory mix for each group,
– Adapting health prevention plans for each group,
– Identifying and reaching individuals more exposed to chronic food-related diseases.

DervalResearch just started a research program with the US National Institutes of Health. If you want to know more, you can contact Prof. Diana Derval at +31 61 824 0803 or diana.derval@derval-research.com.

You can download the full poster at http://www.derval-research.com : Hormonal Fingerprint DervalResearch Poster SBN2009